Heritage Collection

The new Heritage Collection from E.C.D. Automotive Design features D90 and D110 models brilliantly designed to celebrate the original style of the classic British off-road icon. The interior and exterior features of Heritage Collection vehicles can be fully customized to suit your tastes while still staying true its origin.

Heritage Collection

The new Heritage Collection from E.C.D. Automotive Design features D90 and D110 models brilliantly designed to celebrate the original style of the classic British off-road icon. The interior and exterior features of Heritage Collection vehicles can be fully customized to suit your tastes while still staying true its origin.

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restored defender


Models Available
– D90: Hard-top, Soft-top
– D110: Hard-top

Drivetrain Options
– Classic 3.5L V8
– GM 5.3L LC9 V8
– GM 6.2L LS3 V8

Transmission Options
– 6-speed Automatic
– 5-speed Manual

[TS-VCSC-Youtube content_youtube="https://youtu.be/p_dDS3rm2fk" content_lightbox="true" content_youtube_trigger="flat" content_youtube_buttonstyle="ts-dual-buttons-color-pomegranate-flat" content_youtube_buttonhover="ts-dual-buttons-preview-silver-flat ts-dual-buttons-hover-silver-flat" content_youtube_buttontext="See Video of a Heritage D110" content_youtube_buttonsize="14" lightbox_effect="random"]
restored defender
restored defender
restored defender
restored defender
restored defender
restored defender

Learn more about our Heritage Collection

Fill out the form below and one of our Defender creators will be in touch shortly.

land rover defender heritage build